Vitrolic - Reaching Out (EP)

Vitrolic has been putting in work for a while now; it’s been nice to see his growth consistently over these last few years since becoming acquainted with Caustic Music Group. He’s one of the more poignant lyricists I’ve heard & there aren’t many. With him, it’s like, every track is a melancholic atmosphere; his production continues to match his emotion more & more. These latest two from him are beautiful examples of that; he’s “Reaching Out” for any help he can get.

On “Earth,” it’s a melodic, almost minimalist trap; his voice is like another instrument within this soundscape, which really makes his words sink in that much more. He’s stuck in his own mind, as are a lot of us, just seeking some sort of happiness in this mad, mad world, sometimes it even feels like nobody will understand, let alone put up with you. Still, he knows how you feel & he’s here to extend an olive branch; there are thorns on it still, so it’s going to hurt, which is what is making you hesitant, but it’s going to hurt regardless; we’re only human.

Now, this record right here is the standout of the two; just those subtle background vocals in this melancholy maze of a production piece coupled with Vi’s vocal work on here just strikes all the right chords in you. He takes you through his mental journey; it was chaotic before, he was so “Upset” with everything & everyone; he didn’t think later on down the road, he’d feel so blessed & privileged. However, those thoughts tend to be intrusive, it’s almost a cry for some sort of reassurance, but the message is as loud & clear as those voices in your head that tell you you’re not enough, it is & will never be enough, protect your mental.