CompC - Relapse (Video)

This release is that elegant lyricism CompC is delivering. He points out just how much we as a people have retrogressed, regressed, relapsed back into old patterns we were once very adamant about changing. He spits his lyrics in a very conversational manner & his demeanor tells you that he’s here to teach you, from experience & you being the student. You need to sit back & heed all the free game he’s spilling out to you; even when the going got tough, he kept pushing through & with the grace of God, he’s been able to persevere. However, it doesn’t mean he still has battles with himself.

That subtle minimalist soul loop is the perfect bed for him to lie between wind & water on; I appreciate when artists are this vulnerable on record. It makes the words that much more poignant cause you know the emotional toll it must’ve taken him to write it. You can hear the pain subtly underlying his voice as he’s praying for better days, his introspective pen moving ever so swiftly as he stands alone with his own thoughts that he so graciously decided to share with us in hopes to uplift our spirits as well as his own.

I’m not sure I’ve heard much of CompC in the past, but I definitely will do something about that. This little number here got me a bit emotional, life is an uphill battle, but no matter how many times he’s slid down that slope, he keeps embarking up the mountains he moves. Never looking down, only up as he inches further & further up that inclination of life, most people can’t & don’t win those battles. Still, Comp is no quitter & neither should you be & if you “Relapse” back into old ways, all you gotta do is try again, it’ll take all you got but don’t tell yourself it’s impossible, follow Comp’s words, he wouldn’t lead you down no garden path.