Reverie - Hoe Ass B***h (Single)

It’s about time we give Reverie her flowers if we haven’t already; I just don’t see her mentioned amongst MC’s period, even though she’s been consistently keeping her nose to the grindstone for years with many more to come. Soon to fall in the laps of those in her Satori Mob, despite co-signs from legends like R.A. The Rugged Man & MURS, if people like that are fucking with what you’re doing, you know you’re in for something special. She hasn’t let up a single day in her life since making it through the thunderstorm that once ripped its way through her emotionally; she ain’t no “Hoe Ass Bitch”, she’s coming for what’s respectfully hers & taking it with brute force.

She really comes from out the gutter, pulled herself up by her bootstraps & kicked her way into the doors that were once shut in her face. She’s been on a tear so far this year; just like every other year prior, she was suicidal. Still, now she’s just letting her glass heart pulse & pound so hard that it’s surprising that it hasn’t shattered yet & even if it does, she’ll manage to build with those shards even if they continue to cut. It took blood, sweat & tears for her to get to this point in her life & still, she has a way to go, forever on that inclination, continuing to prove how ferocious she can get on that mic when need be can talk shit all day after all.

This reign was no luck, just straight work ethic; she’s a warrior in every sense of the term. It’s been a lot of sacrificial lambs along her way, but still, she treads the path of least resistance, the fucking bags under her eyes match her actual bags, including the one she’s in on this record. I’m pretty sure that’s the furthest definition from a hoe ass bitch; you’re not going to get anywhere in life worrying about the next person, complaining about what you don’t have. Everyone has cards they’ve been dealt, some good, some bad but are you really going to spend your whole life using them as an excuse for you to not do shit with them? At the end of the day, you always have that choice; take it from the Los Angeles native, the Queen of that region; her story is one to heed.