Yung Bryse - Trill Livin’ (Album)

Yung Bryse is just "Trill Livin'" on his poignantly introspective debut & like I've said a million times before, every artist must have an album that defines who they are. Even if you prefer on your debut at that time, I suggest you do so & Bryse does that right out the gate. Laying out his life & journey thus far in hopes that others may relate, it's one fiery testimonial, chock full of life lessons from his own experiences.

In the intro "Guns & Butta," he passes his wisdom onto his children. If I do say myself, a noble act is supplying future generations with advice that will undoubtedly help them in the long run rather than have them face the same struggles he had to meet at their age. However, it still seems to be the "Same Ol Shxt" where he's from in an environment that hasn't really changed much though he sure has grown out of those ways to some degree. That warrior mentality is still in him, so to protect him, if push comes to shove, he's shoving right back.

Life can seem "Blurry" at times, with lots of pain we all have to deal with, but even through the hardships. He keeps his head held up high & uses spoken word skits here & it's beautifully utilized. Heeding his mentor's advice & lays out the "Ambitions of a Hustla," that 50 Cent influence is ever so palpable on this one. He came here to "Manifest" his destiny & anybody who feels a "Type of Way" about him going "All The Way" to pursue his passions & "Elevate," all we have is "Right Here Right Now" & Bryse ain't wasting any more time, stellar debut.