Tia’ Gold - Answer (Single)

Back with her second single of the year, Houston's own Tia' Gold is channeling her inner pop star on the floor, stopping to "Answer." Whoever is on the other line needs to pick up that phone immediately cause she is convulsing with emotions & trembling with her confessions on this giddy yet anxious little number. She's clearly head over heels with this boy & he'd be best advised not to leave her hanging or, even worse, pick up only to hang up.

It always sucks not knowing where someone you're clearly messing with stands, whether it be due to them playing mind games, leading you on, or just not being as straightforward with their emotions as you may be. I, too, am terrified of such rejection, it's why I've never been one to shoot the first shot, but Tia' seems more willing to be taking that chance. She's eliminating any fear she may hold & just going for it cause, after all, the worst thing that can happen is being told "no."

The visuals are something else, throwback vibes galore. I love how she's stalking him in little tidbits throughout the record, making it all the more fun. Reminiscent of that puppy love we hopefully have all experienced at some point in our lives, mainly through our adolescence, it just has this sweet innocence to it; I mean, haven't we all been guilty of stalking? Stalking doesn't always have to be creepy & in the end, it all pays off cause he calls her, so she isn't even have to shoot her shot. He already took notice of her long before she started, how beautiful is that!