Moody Bank$ - Loving You (Single)

Suppose anyone can take you through the mood swings of life. In that case, it’s Bank$ & not too long after her debut EP “Full Blunts & Full Moons,” she drops off her 1st release of the new year & it is as sultry as one can expect, her voice so decadent as it lulls you into a dream state, her textures as soft as silk as she professes “Loving You” more than one can possibly imagine, so faint as she is whispering it in your ear & oh, what chills it’ll give you.

Love is a powerful thing; when it’s real, you just know it, it’s the overwhelming feeling that just takes over, but it can also make you do unimaginable things. Things you never thought you would, but that’s not the case here; Moody is lying you down ever so gently then cuddling up next to you. Admiring you, her guard is completely down & her comfort level is at the highest it’s ever been, sounding like she’s never felt this passionate about somebody. This love she has to offer is the real deal, so I feel bad for the sad-sack whoever loses that; it has a sting.

Moody makes music to meditate & move mountains to, pardon the alliteration. Still, it’s true, she’s moved many in such a short amount of time & with not that much music out, but what is out, if you aren’t familiar with her. Just peep that EP mentioned above; you’ll get giddy at the thought of more from her. It’s modernist neo-soul at its finest, another old soul sprinkling those flavors for the next generations to be inspired by. Such fervor demands nothing more than to be felt & I can’t wait to tap into more emotions with her.