King Tez - Sincerely Yours (Album)

Off rip, you know you’re in for something so poignant, did she cheat on him or what though cause that’s what it’s seeming like to me & I’m only surmising that based off the regret in her voice but who knows if she’s being as sincere as she probably assumes she’s being, he’s surely not buying the crocodile tears. She must’ve got it “Backwards” thinking she could fool him, not even just her but anybody in his life who thinks they can just take advantage of him in any sorta way. He probably had things backwards for a time himself before he learned these lessons but he learned them & that intuition will only serve him well.

Only love can have you overthinking every little aspect of it, what went wrong, what you could’ve done better, etc. In some cases, it can drive you to that bottle, I’ve seen it firsthand on too many occasions. “Never Again” though will he allow someone to send him so down below & drive him away from his authentic self, he keeps his circle so small, he may as well be the only one within it. On “Indecisive”, he struggles to find some sort of balance in life & does so with such swift & smooth lyricism, his words just bleed into your ear canals to soothe that soul of yours, it’s just the relatability of it all, anybody can draw correlations to what he’s saying cause I’m certain we’ve all felt the same at one point or another.

I love that he’s supporting her no matter what she does, even when she’s doubting herself, “That’s Okay” cause she doesn’t need to be perfect to impress him, she just needs to stay true to her authentic self, like he & pair that & you get something beautiful. Side note, I really should learn more Spanish cause I really love whenever he slips his bilingualism in the mix. Mayeli adds her essence on the angelic love maker that is “Same Old Song”, it’s a typical record but doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s so sensually gorgeous. Love is fleeting though but he prays that she “Don’t Go”, just stay, be patient & it’ll all be worth it in the long run.

On “Splash”, he’s dealing with pain of her leaving by hitting the strip club to throw them bills to this anthemic dripper of a record, I mean this shit is super soaked & the ladies he’s seeing are drenched, them titties just tittying through that tank top like she’s washing the whip & pressing them against the windows, all soapy with suds & such, pardon the perverse detail but just wanted to address how in awe he clearly is with this girl. Tez had “Something to Prove” on this album & I’d say he proved it, proved that he is one of our more sincere lyricists cause as we all know, not everybody is sincere so it’s very appreciated when someone is.