Alemeda - Gonna Bleach My Eyebrows (Single)

Anybody who knows me, knows how big an affinity I have for genre bending & on ALEMEDA’s latest single we get Lo-Fi, House & R&B all amalgamated into one dreamscape of a soundscape. On “Gonna Bleach My Eyebrows”, she’s feeling herself finally, she’s rejuvenated after a bad experience & is ready to take on the world with her newfound status in life. Her vocals are so sweet & the lyricism is concise as can be, she just doesn’t care what anybody has to say anymore about what she’s doing in life, it’s her life so who are you to speak on it, especially in a judge mental way, all cause she doesn’t fit the romanticized image of her you have in your head, she’s here to dismantle it effortlessly.

There’s nothing wrong in being a free spirit, in fact, autonomy is one of the most appealing traits a person can have & it’s beautiful to see her live so carefree cause the poignancy in her voice tells me that she’s been dying to do so for longer than she may care to specify. She’s got a new everything & she wants to flaunt it for all to see, especially those who may have said or done something that made her question her confidence as a woman. She knows who she is & is not wasting time dealing with people who simply cannot see her worth, she’s worth more than all the time she had wasted all the time prior to 4 months ago as she stated.

These records always get to me cause I’ve been going through similar, unfortunately the person on the other end of someone like her feeling this way but these records always help me understand more about how they must feel instead of solely focusing on me & my own feelings. It’s great to see women so confident after all the shit they have to put up with & the right person will always acknowledge them for them & whoever doesn’t, that’s their loss, she will no longer allow anybody to tear down her confidence cause you just can’t do that to somebody who’s comfortable with who they are & you’ll just annoy yourself everytime cause you will fail, your best course of action is to admire those bleached eyebrows from a distance, at least until you can come correctly.