Grace Sorensen - This Isn’t Love (Single)

Not that long ago, I attended what was one of my favorite shows of the year so far. Lots of big names were there, Jay Wile, Angel Cintron, actually the show was for her homecoming but she had some beautiful talent there & the 1st performer was this wonderful young lady by the name of Grace Sorensen. Now I had never heard of her at all prior to witnessing the poignant “pessimism” as she put it during her performance but for being somebody that I had never witnessed before, for her to damn near bring me to tears with how much I related to her soaring vocals & heartstring snipping lyricism, you know I had to do my research, only to find she’s probably my favorite new artist as of late, her music that’s out so far is that powerful & it only continues with this latest deep cut.

On “THIS ISN’T LOVE”, she weaves a heartbreaking tale of just how hard it is to leave something, someone who no longer serves purpose in your life & how painful it can be to do so, especially if you really love that person or at least, thought you did cause maybe they manipulated you into thinking you do. That seems like the case here with Grace unfortunately but she’s come to terms with that fact that, it’s time to call a spade a spade, this back & forth, on & off shit, these lies that, not only the other person is feeding her but that she was most likely telling herself, something has to give at some point cause that cannot continue, it wouldn’t work to either of their benefits so it’s best they go their separate ways, as sucky as it may be.

Once again, these records just keep coming & coming my way & I’m talking about records that directly speak to me & my love life as of late so it’s very appreciated cause I much as I’ve tried to avoid confronting my own deceit, not only to former partners but to myself, hearing people like Grace discuss these things kinda forces me to take a long look into that mental mirror of mine & just untangled myself from these webs of lies we sometimes find ourselves in. Here we are on single number 5 from Grace & she’s already done more than most can do on one album so imagine what that eventual debut from her is gonna sound like, let alone how much it’s probably gonna impact a lot of people, like me, who are able to live vicariously through her raw emotions.