DiversiD - Mirrors (EP)

Good & quickly seldom meet with DiversiD’s latest, poignancy is the name of the game on this EP. He’s been through a lot of turmoil & is still fighting that battle, barely enough in him to fog up the “Mirrors” before the smoke smogs up the room. It can make it hard to see the forest before the trees through root & branch. He isn’t hiding any fig leaves or shaking like aspen at the thought of being the open tome he is on this reflective collection.

Right away, making the song titles tie in with the whole mirror theme he has going on here & with the heart wrenching bare naked honesty exhibited with such tenderness & passion on “Spitting Image.” He lays it all out, detailing his turmoil & struggles with anxiety, immediately giving listeners, especially those who struggle with that like I, hope. A hope that we too can win that battle with ourselves, DiversiD on the right track, though, he “Been Up To Something” & that’s making something out of nothing but the shit hand he was dealt, not complaining but persevering, tapping into his own inner strengths.

On “Tell Me I’m Good,” he’s pleading for her to stay cause she’s clearly a keeper, not just some random broad he found in daylight back when his days were much rainier than they are now though his anxieties are preying on his insecurities & making him question where they stand. All DiversiD needs is a little reassurance & boy, do I relate to that tenfold but, we can’t be solely bound to our relationships. We must find joy outside of our relationships as well; they can’t completely define us & be all that we are, the only good thing we got so he’s on a quest to “Make A Million” & aren’t we all on a similar path. We can’t make sense of everything, nor should we rack our brains & eventually drive ourselves crazy trying to understand what a higher power doesn’t want us to, “Legend” has it that we’re all closer to where we’re destined to wound up. More than we may care to acknowledge but thank God he has.