Jay Vasquez - Smile (Single)

Jay Vasquez, what more is there to say but no, there’s plenty & as you know, I love when I stumble on elite lyricists, it doesn’t take much to spot one. After hearing this one, I had to dive back into his little archive to find he’s been doing damage since 2018 & has clearly continued to keep his foot on the gas. Not anywhere but releasing four singles last year, all different from one another, just how I like it, keep me on pins & needles & while all four are great, “Smile” stood out the most to me.

When life gives you lemons, you eat that lemon straight & piss into a Minute Maid bottle & demand the oranges you asked for in the 1st place. Still, hey, when shit isn’t sweet, Jay makes sure to keep that smile on his face, no matter how sour the limelight can get, he knows a tree is known by its fruit but can’t he enjoy the ones that come of his labor, why should that be forbidden, take the risk, live a little.

I’m not sure if he plans to release more singles of the same vain, cover art-wise. Still, I sure hope so cause I know that sophomore effort is going to bring it even harder than “Forever.” This track is motivational music to get you through the days. The fluctuations this frustrating life can bring about are not like he can’t fall off the edge at any given second, but he’s standing a fighting chance in a seemingly losing battle. Keeping his head up to the clouds cause it’s really all you can do, “Smile,” rather than live in fear of change.