Pat Ron - Texture (Album)

“Trap Ron” came out earlier in the year & now Pat Ron is back with “Texture” & it’s ever so tangible. Flowing like velvety silk with an innovative cover should tell you all you need to know about what you’ll be diving into with this project. Seeing all the references that pertain to what’s going on now, especially if you’re just trying to ignore it & he opens up with another reminder never to forget what’s happening all around us.

“Let It Breathe” finds him moving slo-mo to reflect on the cautions of just being who he is, it’s paranoid & he sounds very frustrated as he fires off these rounds at his adversaries. At the same time, “Triple D $Hit” finds him repping where he’s from, stating where you’re from could never compete where “Fuck 12” lets us know that he’s getting what’s rightfully his by any & all means necessary.

Lots more bragging rights & fiery bounce for you to vibe & reflect on; Pat Ron is at the top of his game, letting nothing stand in his way. “Don’t Start” no shit, it won’t be none, beautiful use of that reference, it’s pretty simple, now if only his adversaries can heed his advice, & they should, as it subtly rumbles through the streets in which they reside.