Mikul - After This Life (Album)

Prosperity is the best way, to sum up, Mikul’s “After This Life,” even in whatever comes next. Mikul will still find a way to exceed all expectations; this is revelry, rebelliousness, soulfulness & crunk all wrapped up in one & the bar work throughout is introspective, guiding & in your face.

Opening up with that chopped & screwed flow on “Bro Stop Talking,” this is one to light one up with the homies to & reminisce on earlier days, when things were simpler, where there were no trials or tribulations or imagine where he’s headed after making it through the gritty street tales he’s anecdotally telling us, his life is a movie “Cinematic” & we shouldn’t give a fuck who’s watching to judge as he clearly is choosing not to merely, you’ll be nonetheless intrigued & invested, hopefully in yourself, so sweet & concise. “

Kush Tales” details out of body experiences while “Blue Lives Scatter” is pretty much self-explanatory. He’s snarling as he’s delivering on the militancy that record exudes, it’s protesty without being preachy. It’s demanding of justice, or we’ll simply take it with brute force so you better “Be About It” since you all wanted to start a war & “It’s OK” if you don’t like it, it’s not like he wants violence, he’s only human. Still, if it comes down to it, he’s not going out without a fight, but if you come peacefully, then why shouldn’t he? “After This Life,” he hopes we meet again. The final cut on here makes this entire record seem like his swan song of sorts, the way his voice cuts off cause that’s just how life works. It can all be over before you know it & for no reason if not justifiable, but even after it’s all said & done, you’ll remember what he had to offer.

Opening up with that chopped & screwed flow on “Bro Stop Talking,” this is one to light one up with the homies to & reminisce on earlier days, when things were simpler, where there were no trials or tribulations or imagine where he’s headed after making it through the gritty street tales he’s anecdotally telling us, his life is a movie “Cinematic” & we shouldn’t give a fuck who’s watching to judge as he clearly is choosing not to merely, you’ll be nonetheless intrigued & invested, hopefully in yourself, so sweet & concise. “