Aliza1K - Nervous (Video)

Aliza has been applying more pressure than I'm sure the so-called competition & detractors have warranted, but what did they expect awakening a beast like her. If you haven't been tuned in to 1K, her in your face persona will almost yank you into her world & you will tremble within it as she fires from all corners with her ambitious bars & snarling flow, quite like the nervous bitch you are.

Back with more visuals for her latest tape "1 on 1," which if you haven't heard, you should; in terms of rap, it's one of the meanest releases to come out the city this year. Aliza is steadily on that incline in terms of music, self-growth & respect, which she clearly demands, I for one, can tell she puts into her pen. If you don't notice, then you probably not one of those people who listen for the lyrics, which is fine, cause Aliza has the vibes as well. Still, within those vibes, she refuses to sacrifice the bardom.

The visuals are more in your face vibes; you can tell she wants to do it for her people & rap her ass off. She doesn't need these big fancy over the top, expensive ass videos to look all flashy cause she's already fly. Even when keeping it simple, she can still vibe like this with one other person by her side. As opposed to the congregated party, the "New Phone" video let me know that she can kill the stage with 100 people & turn around, put her queendom aside & rock a show with ten people like its 100. Little things like that make me appreciate her more & more cause with her, it's forever going up & you'll be shaking in your boots as you continue watching the come up from behind your little keyboards & screens.