E. Twiss - 91’ (Album)

E. Twiss isn't letting up this quarantine year & offers his second effort in 2020, one that personally surpasses its predecessor & not to say that "S.I.n.S" isn't a beautiful body of work. Still, you should always try to top your previous work & Twiss does just that on this poignantly strong release.

Immediately soulful & introspective on "11 Twenty Two", he slaps his heart on his sleeve & is begging for liberation as he questions himself. Worried about the future yet eager to fire off his aspirations & move forward with strength & determination, there's a lot of this introspection throughout. Still, it's balanced with modernity in terms of auto-tuned melodies that honestly add to the record's soulfulness.

"Murder" will leave the listener shell shocked; it's enough harsh reality to escape the angels weeping; Twiss knows the devil is hard at work & isn't going out without a fight. A lot of "Venting" & it's necessary in these times, where the pressure is being applied, his response to it all is to reapply it & he doesn't need many features to tell you what's on his mind lately, what's in his heart. Still, the three sole features on here only add to the magic, "Breathe" for me though, steals the show, and the breath of the women records like this is intended for, beautiful music only when it comes to E. Twiss.