Daniel Leon - Anchor (Video)

There’s no way this is his debut single, but it is & I’m blown away by the acoustic number & the DavieeDavee accompanying visual that I don’t think many people will expect this much soul to come out of this individual when you look at him which makes it all the more surprising.

I know that I need someone to hold me down in these times & I do got that certain someone. Still, I know as much as he knows that a lot of people don’t have that & they’re alone, even before things were the way they are now & Daniel forces us to either seek or wait for that someone to hold us down through thick & thin, through any & all circumstances.

With his debut album on the way, it’s safe to say this little glimpse is all we need to assure us that “Soul On Fire” will be a monumental debut from our newest San Antonio representative & further down the road, native, as long as he keeps this soulfulness afloat, unlike the anchor.