St. LeMoor - Moor Silence (EP)

Even during moments of silence, they cannot silence us & St. LeMoor is here to express that, to inspire those lost & confused by leading them into the center of his truth. The ghostly choir esque chants let the listener know that he did not come to play around & you get that sense throughout the album.

“Enough” finds Moor wanting more, “Fee-Fi-fo-Fum” is a lesson on how the man doesn’t care & what we can do to combat that, “Through The Pain” is redemption at its finest, Moor is an overcomer, so he must “Stand Tall,” “Do Moor” but never “Say Less,” that’s what you should do while heeding his life lessons.

This album is everything but silence. It’s honest, uplifting, ominous & hopeful, all amalgamated into one 20 minutes in your face “I’m here to stay,” “you gonna remember my name” opus of a project.