Spike Chester - Milk N Honey (Album)

Upon entering the land of Milk N Honey, there are sounds of home video audio clips of children having fun in Tipton Park, a location that means a lot to him & is an integral part of who he is, that is, very reminiscent.

“Gtffrm” immediately bares his heart & soul on his sleeve through its soothing simplicity that then transitions into flex mode, Mr. Steal Your Girl is ever so present on “Playa Wayz,” hey, if he could change, I’m sure he would but once a playa, always a playa. The female vocality duet is a marvelous surprise mid-song & I’m sure that’s a recorder I hear, been ages since I’ve listened to one & I’m not sure it’s an instrument that’s been incorporated in a rap song very often.

“Stunt Double” is an ode to independence, then there’s the anecdotal “Alicia’s Interlude,” appreciation of the more beautiful things in life “Milk N Honey.” With a show steaming performance from Scuttino, there’s not a single bad song on this concise opus Spike masterfully crafted, grown man rap from a young man with an old soul, beautiful music & elegant lyricism throughout.