E. Twiss - S.I.n.S (Album)

Opening with that Kato tag, E-Twiss wastes zero time in exercising those demons of his with a devil may care attitude towards them for making his better angels weep. They ain't getting a single drop of his "Royal Blood," let alone removing that crown AND him from his throne.

Even the more vibe driven cuts have a darkly melancholic edge to them "Movie," "Lust." Still, then he expresses his regrets on the questioning of a self number "Cardinal Drive," so of course, he would wanna feel "Numb" after forcing himself to confront these demons.

With features from Diversid, Stilo Jordan & Angel Cintron, who all blend right in with Twiss's tortured thoughts, it's a huge step up from last year's "Art Is Pain" while still staying in the same vulnerable vain as that project. Don't call this emo-rap cause everybody has emotions; don't act as you've never heard of them & hopefully, his words can help you find solace upon facing your demons.