Growchild. - Moments (Video)

I don’t know about most of the newer generation. Still, I, for one, am grateful for this resurgence of grown man rap & it’s even better when it’s coming from a young soul cause it shows you don’t necessarily to be old to carry wisdom around with you. Help spread that beautiful energy to people who need it, especially during these times, so when Growchild wants you to do just that, he offers you gems with such ease, you can’t help but listen & heed the advice, the jewelry that he’s just handing you for free, you’d be a fool not to take it all in.

On “Moments,” Growchild reflects on the little things, the tiny moments that just make him whole & the fact that it’s shot out in nature where you can see the trees & the water. Just bursting with energy & popping with their colors forces you to admire all these little things we do take for granted. Go out to reflect on your life out in nature can change any cynical outlook you may still have about life. Take those little moments for yourself to do so like he’s doing. You may find the peace you’ve been searching for your whole life.

Not to knock any of the newer generations cause he makes sure to do all this over the same type of production that has the power to possibly grab the ears of some of these kids who wouldn’t listen to it. Otherwise, they may be only vibing at first until they start to hear what he’s telling you about his journey to get to this point. Still, before they know it, they too will be singing the same song, so always make sure to bask in any little moment in your life that encourages inner peace.