Hockey Hill - Mullo (EP)

It looks like Paintitblues has got himself a light skin twin in Hockey Hill, an artist who is every bit as portending in style as he is but in no way a carbon copy. However, he is guiding him through the dark, abysmal depths that the psyche can take you to if you aren’t careful & he’s not here to tread lightly on his debut EP “Mullo.” A word taken from Roma folklore meaning “one who is dead,” giving you all of him while simultaneously killing off certain parts of him he wishes to rid of. If you look at his figure close enough, then look into the description of a mullo, you’ll find it to be very fitting.

Rather than snake along the trail in his garden where the serpentine is slithering through, he cuts the head off & seeks replacement on “Orochimaru.” It is even more folklore of the Japanese variety for you to look into & he’s regretting believing that it could’ve been the two “Til The End.” Still, rather than ponder the unfortunate when he’s bored, he masks the pain by overindulging in self-destructive behavior. Still, his high-pitched voice is almost like a wail for help though I’m not sure he’s seeking to revive what’s been irrevocably broken inside of him due to the deception.

What I love most here is how these titles tie back into the bloody bat on the cover art. He’s drawing so much blood & just flinging it all over this canvas of his & hanging it up, you can come to look at it, or you don’t have to, but this is all of him that he’s bleeding out for you. Like Blues once said, “I gave you all my blood, no wonder I’m drained,” & though he may be, his energy is felt, even if it’s not the energy intended for the squeamish.