Chris P House - Hat Trick (EP)

I haven’t heard a three-pack this sweet since, well, I don’t recall hearing a triple dose this ill in recent times, which makes the rabbits Chris P House is pulling out of hats with each bar all the more captivating. He journeys you into his world for 10 minutes of your time that may be the most mind-warping spell bending minutes you spend. The introspection is palpable, tangible as he dominates each beat with meticulous precision.

Chris knows very well that keeping his nose to the grindstone will eventually pay off all this time. He’s urging his fellow brothers to maintain “Patience” cause the roads ahead are bumpy, the waters we’ll have to navigate to get to where we’re all going are rough. Still, as long as we don’t grow complacent when we find ourselves in a dejected state of mind & put our faith in ourselves that we’ll overcome in due time, well then, we’re closer to our dreams than we initially thought.

It’s all about turning your situation on its head, trick those praying to see your downfall by pulling off a “Hat Trick,” possibly plural. You’re more than capable of it as Chris is hoping the details of his life he’s laying out resonate with you &, thus, motivate you to possibly break the “Scoreboard,” as long as you have faith in yourself. Your investment in self will be all worth it at the end of the day; your detractors can’t even get into the stadium, let alone be on the sidelines.