Quentin Arispe - Killer (Single)

Quentin Arispe has had a quiet storm of a year, releasing both the overwhelming “Flood of Babylon,” a beautifully poignant weathering & reconstruction of the soul, then left us two numbers that didn’t land on that gorgeous debut “June,” with “June Again.” It’s honestly breathtaking the ripple effect such a minimal amount of music can cause, but that’s how powerful Quentin’s music is. It’s the kind of music that can heal the world, something for all walks of life to grasp onto & find something to cherish in each piece of art Quentin chooses to share with the world.

“Killer” is marking the first bloody good taste of what’s to come on the upcoming album, one that is once again looking to shift gears as Quentin’s music has always done. Just go back & hear the significant difference with each release, so now that with the live band behind our highness & pending the reemergence of live shows. We’re about to experience one massive out of body experience when we get to witness what they have planned for this upcoming album; til then, Quentin will leak blood over these autumnal leaves; you can follow the trail if you’d wish.

We’re all capable of being “Killers,” our frustrations just have to push us over the edge enough to trigger something in us into doing what we once deemed unimaginable & impossible due to this idea we’ve convinced ourselves is really who we are. Quentin is fighting this while also acknowledging that he/she is indeed a killer, not knowing what to think anymore. Quentin just gives in & shoves the knife in a little deeper, slowly twisting it on this bittersweet first glimpse of what we can expect on this next offering & also, don’t ever forget to SUPPORT QUEER ARTISTS!