Peej Capeesh - Capeesh (Album)

The sky isn't even the limit on the debut album from Peej Capeesh & sheesh is this record the bee’s knees, it's legs & it's arms. He sounds like he's buzzing throughout, higher than ever one second then meditative as the afterglow the next, bottom line, it's the perfect album for this weather we're having, possibly could help you like it's clearly helped him.

This album is the sound of a man who has rediscovered himself, someone who has now taken stock of what's truly important in life, as can tell on the triumphant closer "Nonsense," which holds my favorite lyrics of the entire record. It pretty much sums up the better place he's in these days, you know, of course despite everything and the lyric is "shit gets sour, get tart, but I always find a way to depart," that we do, we move on cause that's all we can do, all we can do is go hard!

If you're in a state of stagnancy & can't find that one thing that can give you that spark to keep persevering, then put this album out, this album is for you. The themes explored throughout are just what's needed in these dark times we're living in currently. Suppose he hasn't reached his ceiling yet, with an album this good. In that case, the man is celebrating the little things in life like "Chicken Strips" cause who doesn't love those, I mean "Gawdawm" if I didn't say Peej crafted a timeless listen with his debut. It's instantly giving you a sense of who he is as a man on his debut, as every artist should have an album that defines them. People want to know who you are cause it gives them something to attach themselves to & Peej offers exactly that & teaches us to appreciate this life we have, cause we only have this one, right here, right now, bask in the moment, his moment.