Roland Ryan feat Banco Ray - Palm Trees (Single)

Birds are chirping, kids playing in the neighborhood, this is that sunshine after the night before, smooth player talk & luxurious braggadocio, the finest herb being lit underneath the shade of these “Palm Trees.” The debut single from up & comer Roland Ray, featuring a slick verse from Banco Ray, whom we reviewed his single “Keep It P” earlier in the year, also has a visual treatment out now, so definitely check that out. Still, it is precisely that in which these two free-flowing MC’s manage to float across these irresistible vibes.

Roland Ryan uses the retro-soul to ride out his vices & fantasies that he’ll undoubtedly make come to fruition with the level of bravado he delivers his verse. At the same time, Banco Ray gets a bit reflective, detailing what separates him from the rest of his peers & bystanders. Vowing to continue moving forward with a new sense of determination, littering a trail of gems behind him for you to hopefully heed & follow, it could help you in life.

This record is a promising single from a smooth new artist in Rolan Ryan, a carefree lyricist if you’ve ever heard one. Something I admire in the newer flock of MC’s we see, they sound comfortable in their own skin, making the music they want to do & not too many come out this strong on their first single, so hopefully, this isn’t the only thing we’ll be hearing from him as the days go by ahead.