Tyni Toon - Multifaceted (EP)

For one, I appreciate this out of left field releases. Those records that just blatantly refuse to be boxed into one genre & Tyni Toon delivers a very schizophrenic batch of addictive jingles with the fittingly titled "Multifaceted" EP. There are so many styles explored in just under 20 minutes, musically and vocally, he''s exploring many different sounds.

On "Turn The City Up," he takes on a southern accent on & travels like a rolling stone. A vagabond strolling from place to place over the head-nodding yet fascinatingly captivating country-esque instrumentation. It's so brilliantly addictive however almost silly in its simplicity, it's so fucking good, but I almost feel like it shouldn't be as good as it is, but I'm glad it is.

"Roll Up" finds him reveling in his deepest vices with an auto-tuned tinged voice. Exploring clear elements of Reggae, you can't help but move to this one, very bombastic & groovy. Again it's so intriguing how he keeps throwing curveballs cause the next record is like some crazy Tejano Trap infusion. Bad Bunny doesn't get shit on this, J Balvin should take notes; it's so fucking ridiculous how he keeps switching it up, yet his takes on these genres keep working so far. "Toxic" explores the emo trap with its sinister themes & him applying a slumped yet angered & hurt flow, with that frustration just bubbling underneath the surface & then again.

"I Got It" is like some MySpace era bubblegum pop & it's catchy as hell as I, this deep in, expected it to be, reminds me so much of middle school for whatever reason, I know I would've eaten this up as much as I am now back then.

On the final cut, he caps this compelling ass EP off with bars on top of bars on top of bars. Explaining that while he's "Multifaceted" stylistically, this is Hip Hop at the end of the day & he delivers a fiery outro here. Chanting the same sentiment I've been saying, that Hip Hop is everything, it's rock, it's jazz, it's blues, country, pop, it's everything.