Meka Jackson - Hoolies In The Matrix (Single)

A man of many, many talents, Meka Jackson, is an anomaly who’s impossible to box in; he does what he wants, offering dope & timeless contributions from all corners, be it TV, music, etcetera, you name it. Meka does it all & he’s no slouch when it comes to any of it, especially music & on his first single of the year, “Hoolies in the Matrix.” His lyricism is warped as ever, bouncing off the walls like a ricocheting bullet with any & all competition doesn’t seem likely to avoid, at the very least getting nicked or grazed.

His skill is as infinite as the number pi; it’s systematic overload as he escapes the mental prison of those who have had a stranglehold on all of us since the beginning of corruption caused by man. It’s a fiery testimonial that’ll fry your computer chip; they don’t want real thinkers, smart people who can think for themselves, that doesn’t help them; they’d rather fly people like Meka to Bermuda & quick.

Our free choices have become the matrix of our human life, a matrix we can’t seem to get out of, maybe cause we’ve grown so accustomed. Still, it’s all we are, all we have is ourselves in the end, what good things have been accomplished without at least an ounce of selfishness, none, that’s how many & Meka encourages just that, you have to think for yourself at some point, do for you & the reward will be more significant, don’t get too consumed by your own matrix.