Garcia Vega - Pray / All We Have Freestyle (Video)

Keeping that Boom Bap, dusty soulful loops coupled with consciousness ridden bars intended to make the ears think & insight the mind alive is what Garcia Vega is doing here on his latest back to back freestyle. Offering many many references throughout, it is impossible for anyone not to catch one or two of them as he impresses with his syllables & wordplay throughout the double dose.

The 1st half is strictly for the spitters, just bragging rights based on sheer skill, but the latter is full of controversial issues since he points out things like mind control & censorship. He’s annoyed with how much political correctness has overly just changed the course of how we operate & not necessarily for the better; sure, some good comes from it. Still, not everything is done with pure intention for the greater good, rather satisfy their own needs & make things more comfortable for them.

So overall, always keep your third eye open & if you’re going to step into this rap shit. Focus on your craft cause the one thing you can still stand on is your skills as an MC & little verbal exercises as such you’ve just witnessed can only further sharpen your sword & wield very beneficial things to come. As a result, always keep a keen eyesight on what’s going on in your surroundings before “they” come to prey on your mind.