Thee Unemployed - Late Night Disco (EP)

The Austin duo keeps things groovy on their 4th EP of the year, so groovy; you would think it’s summer. Still, it might be over there cause I’ve been there once & it was so hot, as hot as this EP is, so make sure you have two to tango when you pop those quarters into the jukebox; their lyrical work on this EP glides through like roller skates, smart lyrics & infectious hooks over feel-good vibes.

The disco ball is shining all over the dance floor on the title track; it’s a party that is impossible not to be a part of where “Decade” finds the two staking their claim that this new decade is there’s to take over. If they keep going at the rate they’re going right now with as many releases they’ve dropped this year, then that seems more than likely to come to fruition.

On the previously released “Beautiful Evil,” the guys express their distaste yet acceptance of those who’ve disrespected them or done them wrong in any which way. If that’s how you want to be, the guys say to go for it; no love is lost where they’re standing. All in all, this is just music to make you feel good, to rid yourself of the cumulus that’s possibly clouding your mind, so just have a good time like these two are & forget your woes.