Ty Talaban - Dollars (Video)

These visuals are so ridiculous & only further add to the wittiness of Ty Talaban's bars; he's damn near terroristic when he snarls & chews violently through the beat, but in the video, he's causing pure mayhem to validate the power of his words. It's enough to set this beloved city on fire; literally, it's utter chaos & I'm all for it.

I love that even when those sent out to get him finally hit him with their missiles, he explodes into dollars. Bro is straight up made of money cause he's about what he's rightfully earned & you know, racists & oops alike are shaking in their boots when he comes stomping through in true Brobdingnagian fashion. It's a fancy way of saying giant cause that's what he is lyrically.

This video has me thinking of other great videos we've seen this year & it's up there as the best I've seen. It's just so simple yet extraordinarily captivating & I bet Ty didn't even have to spend hella dollars making it yet still pumped out something uniquely imaginative. Keeping the fun alive in the culture cause if you do not have this much fun doing this like he is, then give up; you'll never amount to his worth.