Aye Cue - The Great Escape (EP)

On his 3rd drop of the year, Aye Cue invites us along a little detour from “The Play Palace.” Call it what you want but let’s call it what Aye Cue decided to call it, “The Great Escape,” no, not that annoying Gwen Stefani & Akon song but this project may have you reiterating the chorus to that song. Still, it’ll be for a good cause, so I’ll let it slide; this the Greatest Player in the Game we are talking about here.

Just in time for the autumnal, the cool breezes finally sweeping through, it’s the perfect weather to hear from Cue; love his spoken word pieces throughout his projects, probably the most soothing voice in our music scene. Imagine how peacefully a child would sleep after hearing a bedtime story from him, I know I would need it & he offers that. It’s damn near an audiobook his output lately, but of course, the music will never be sacrificed, but this man an author & although I’m not a big reader, if he wrote a book, you bet your ass I’d read it.

“Can you smoke it, can you roll it?” I sure can Aye Cue as you mesh chopped & screwed influences with pop sensibilities. I don’t even know if I can call it that, this borderline disco; it’ll take two to tango to get jiggy with this, but immediately after, it’s abruptly interrupted with the new school version of turn up. Even on The Teeta assisted cut “The Pound Game,” you can still hear a throwback element to it & that’s because his influences will not bleed through.

On the bonus cut, “I Love Therapy,” he contradicts the song title, “Fuck my therapist, I’m my therapist,” and it’s not to say that therapy can’t help. Still, Aye knows how to handle his own, but maybe he’s just on his twist & however you cope with the stresses of life is your choice. Still, if you’re going to want that loud pack, Aye will be “Your Favorite Plug,” he got everything you need, baby, but you don’t gotta tell him, he knows what you need & it’s a little Aye Cue in your life.