Hidden Gems: xBValentine

xBValentine is a Texas native from Georgetown, where her music can be described as melodic bliss with lyrical intent when necessary to showcase her emotional storytelling ability. She has involved her come up and her southern roots in her music to give off such a harmonies reflection when executing her musical command. She is becoming such a prominent artist in 2021 as her success has continued to rise at substantial volume with having singles from rap pioneers like Paul Wall, Baby Bash, Kap G & Bone Thugs N Harmony all done in a month. These singles have largely built her a dominant fanbase, including her stage performances that she’s conducting in such cities in Texas as Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and more. She’s even grown her stage time outside of Texas with shows being done in Utah, Nevada & with her next big show being performed at the legendary SOBs in NYC on September 26th. She is currently the highest-streamed Independent Latina artist in Hip-Hop/Rap and has worked hard for that accomplishment that we know will continue to be a staple in her career. She has a lot in store for the future and more for listeners to witness in which we dive more with her in an interview we have for people to get to know xBValentine on a more personal pace.

How’s life been treating xBValentine lately?

Life’s been treating me good, can’t complain. Truthfully been feeling blessed & honored to have experienced everything I have thus far. 

We see it was recently announced that you will be performing at legendary SOBs in NYC with Paul Wall on Sept 29, what was your reaction to hearing that news?

I was honestly speechless cause it was something me & my manager had talked about wanting to do so it was exciting knowing it was happening sooner than expected. Definitely a dream come true, performing in New York was a dream of mine! It’s even crazier knowing it’s at the Legendary SOBS. 

We see that you have easily become an unstoppable freight train in music so far this year, what influences you to continue on forward so strong? 

A lot of things do if I’m being honest, but mainly the loss of my cousin who was like a brother to me. He was the first person to ever believe in me & he really pushed me to pursue my dream early on. He wanted this so badly for me & it only felt right to go even harder for him. He passed away last year & soon after that I met my manager who put me in many situations to elevate my career. 

What are some of the musical changes that you’ve seen from yourself since your 2019 album Midnight Lane to now?

I’ve definitely feel like I’ve improved the structure of my songs. Learning how to really piece everything together from Hook, verses, bridge & etc. Midnight Lane, what felt like to me was more of a “still finding myself” as an artist project. Although it was still very melodic it was more focused on verses vs it being about how catchy it can be. My focus now is making sure not only the words are felt but every cadence & flow switch up is felt as well. I wanna make sure the audience get at least one part of my song stuck in their head after listening to it. 

I’ve described your content in the past to be a vibrant wave of melody with an exuberant rush of lyricism mixed in when necessary, would you agree with that description or would you described it a different way?

No I agree! That’s actually a perfect description. I always like to focus on the vibes & sometimes people don’t wanna think too deep when they vibe but i still like to throw in some quotable lines to make sure the listener can still resonate with the song.

You share a lot of emotions in your music which like most made me start to gravitate to your music, is this the drive you usually use to start a track or do you have a deeper remedy for it? 

I always write music based off my emotions. How ever I’m feeling in that moment the listener will definitely feel it too. Anytime I’m ever feeling down the first thing I do is write & it allows me to vent freely. Or even when I’m feeling excited about something I write about it, & that’s how the songs come about. I don’t usually like to sit down & write about a specific topic. I’m always freely writing whatever comes to mind that’s usually how a lot of my favorite songs came about. 

You’ve started the year with an impressive resume from features with Kap G, Baby Bash, Paul Wall, the legendary Bone Thugs N Harmony & more, what’s the feeling like of being on record with these artists 

It’s still all so surreal to me, especially the Bone Thugs collaboration. I grew up admiring a lot of these artist & to have them on my tracks was definitely a dream come true. My younger self wouldn’t believe me if I would of told her she would have songs with all these artist. 

What inspiration of any, do you think helped you push forward along your journey? 

The amount of people that told me they could relate to what I would say in my songs. It made me feel seen & heard & to know I had a voice for other kids like myself inspired me in many ways.

We spoken with a lot of artists on their time during the pandemic where most of it was writing and waiting, would you say you did the same or did you have a different regimen to pass the time?

During the pandemic I definitely hit a writers block from lack of inspiration but it helped me focus on self care more than anything. I started eating healthier & going on runs, it helped me think more clearly during that time. Once I started building myself up I definitely got that inspiration back & ended up writing “What You Need” & “Vibe With You”. 

Hearing SPM say your the best Mexican-American female rapper he’s heard thus far, what was the feeling like? 

I couldn’t believe it to be honest, I remember my manager calling me & all I could say over & over again was “that’s crazy”. I remember how much I would listen to SPM when I was in middle school & to hear him say that about me left me speechless. I was honored more than anything to hear that.

I love to see female artists like yourself take charge in running laps around the rap game with ease since female artist have been heading uphill more and more, what’s the feeling like to see someone of an adolescent look at you like a hero?

It almost makes me emotional to be honest cause as a kid I always wanted someone that looked liked me too look up to. A queer, female, Latina artist, who was unapologetically themselves. I definitely have always wanted to be someone who can inspire other females like myself. It’s a beautiful feeling knowing I was able to do that simply by being myself & through my music. 

Is there any artist or producer you would love to work with in the future? 

DeeGatti one of my favorite female R&B artist out right now who I would love to work with in the future! & producer wise Noah 40 100% everything he touches is magic. 

What is your favorite highlight you endured so far in your career?

The Bone Thugs collaboration for sure, that feeling I got hearing the song back for the first time was indescribable. 

What motivates you to walk up every day and do what you do?

My family, they’ve supported me before anybody else believed in what I was doing. I wanna be able to give them the world. 

If you had to explain to a new listener of your music in 5 words, what it would be? 

It’s a whole ass vibe