High Rise - A Gift For Shea Serrano (Video)

San Antonio native, father of three & Best selling author, Shea Serrano, has a remarkable catalog in writing. He’s written books titled The Rap Book, Basketball & other things, Movies & other things including his pdf series about shows like The Office & Scrubs. Among piling on with his achievements, he’s also a warm-hearted philanthropist by gathering his FOH army to help others in need for examples he’s been sending money to those suffering due to them losing their jobs during the coronavirus epidemic and supporting the local Foodbank in San Antonio that’s received much-needed donations.

He’s a man with a caring heart for others expect Trump & his supporters, which we share that in common, but that’s not why I write this humble post about him. Tuesday afternoon, he was sharing on Twitter a video that UK collective High Rise had made about him. The request was from Milo Harries, who donated towards there Crowd Funder page where they need assistance at the moment due to troubling matters happening because of Covid-19. One of the donations rewards is to create a song dedicated to a loved one, someone you look up to or just in general of making a song notable for them. In this case, Milo wanted to give thanks to Shea for doing so much for many people throughout the world, and what a way to show the appreciation by having it all mentioned in a lyrical record that makes a huge impact in supporting others.

What a way the world works in making this a highly supportive track, and from the tweets already closing in from Shea, who’s already a fan of the track, and many others have been following suit showing their support as well. Along with leaving the video for y’all to see, I’ll be sharing the link below to High Rise’s Crowd Funder page to get more support going for the UK collective.

High Rise Crowd Funder Link: [HERE]