Angel Cintron - Ghost (Single)

The teasing leading up to this record in retrospect is brilliant & Angel continues to grow into far more than a" Dream Catcher," & her, like a few other artists, continue to grow with each record. "Ghost" is her most satisfactory record to date & I thought it was the previously released" Maybe, Always," don't act like you don't know how she does it.

You ever want to ghost someone but can't bring yourself to do so, but you want to so badly? Or even worse, have you been ghosted by someone you thought cared? Has anyone ever made you second guess yourself? Do you find yourself stuck in a relationship with someone you wish you weren't stuck in a relationship with but can't help but stay because some better part of yourself won't allow you to leave? If so, this is the song for you.

Women are taking over music a lot these days. It's beautiful to witness these empowering ladies do what they do best, creating uplifting anthems like this. I'm sure many women can relate to doing fine and bettering themselves only to continue seeing the person you told yourself you wish you'd never see again because they want to get in your head like that. Hopefully, this record can help a few ladies escape any emotional grasp they feel they can't get out of and get them to pass on to better things.