The Romance Club - I-35 (Single)

My favorite collective, The Romance Club, released a follow-up to their successful predecessor “Love Supreme” with a new prominent record titled “I-35”. The track is more of an upbeat trap infusion sound to their vigorous catalog where the stellar performance of each emcee is put on display, with this track already creating a soundscape for the band of talent.

I-35, they gone pull up and get live and live they do since the chorus is already sitting on the eardrums of listeners that paves the way smoothly for the rest of the record moving forward. Verm is out first with swiftly parading his live wire ability to send the production into a frenzy, with his rhyme schemes being menacing to the touch that creates a strobe effect of chaos whenever he starts spitting. Followed immediately is Tommy Starchild, who doesn’t let the beat breathe for one second as he keeps striking down with force from his bludgeoning flow that is cycling his animated ability to be monstrous with the raps. Back to the chorus before getting into Karena SOL’s energetic delivery, which is just up from here since she doesn’t waste any time, showcases her eccentric way of bullying the beat with such vigorous effort in line after line. Anchoring the record is the revved-up Hellcat! who’s high speeding with the effervescent nature of her verse being an ill combination of mayhem & perseverance in a technique that all four of these artists keep that attribution in their dedicated skill set.

From slow melodic tune to upbeat carnage, this shows the versatility of The Romance Club and the prime expanse of why we will never get the same shit from them. They like to look at music outside the box and think about what they can produce out of it, and that’s why I hold them to a higher standard than most. While I listen in every time with preparation, they keep me guessing, waiting on the next single from the group. I’m sure with the creative team they have, they either have finished or are at the ending stages of a video for I-35, so it could be something we should see surface very soon, I hope. Until then, it gives you all enough time to have the track playing in rotation throughout all social media platforms.