Frankie - The Tidal Wave (Album)

"The Tidal Wave" by Frankie is a refreshing and dynamic project that showcases his versatility as an artist. The album opens with an energetic ballad in “More Brown N Less Problematic” that immediately sets the tone, blending raw emotions with a heartfelt lyricism that draws listeners into his world. Frankie's freestyle roots shine through, especially in tracks where his delivery feels spontaneous and powerful, reminiscent of his viral TikTok moment with “Switch N Bluff,” which initially caught my attention.

Frankie explores a range of themes throughout the album, from personal growth and resilience to the highs and lows of his journey. Tracks like "Lightbeam" and the Doeman-featured record “The Brown Boy Who Fly" delve into more introspective territory with reflective lyrics that resonate with listeners who have faced similar struggles. The production across the album is cohesive yet diverse, incorporating both modern trap elements and more melodic, soulful beats that allow Frankie to showcase his vocal range. One standout track, "Generational Dreamer," combines a smooth, laid-back beat with Frankie's sharp, rhythmic flow, creating a perfect blend of chill vibes and lyrical depth. The album also features a few collaborations that add different textures to the project, complementing Frankie's style and expanding the sonic palette. Frankie's willingness to share personal moments and struggles allows him to be authentic throughout "The Tidal Wave." This level of openness gives depth to his music and creates a strong connection with listeners. For those discovering his music for the first time, the album offers a compelling takeaway about maintaining a positive mindset despite life's challenges. Frankie's storytelling and lyrical vulnerability can inspire listeners to embrace their own journeys with resilience and hope, making "The Tidal Wave" not just a collection of songs but a motivating and relatable experience.

Overall, "The Tidal Wave" strongly follows his 2021 album “Coffee,” marking his evolution from a viral sensation to a serious artist with a unique voice and perspective. Fans of his freestyle energy will find plenty to enjoy, while new listeners will be drawn in by his storytelling and the album's rich, layered soundscapes. It's a promising start, and seeing where Frankie goes from here will be exciting.