Tiva Fox - VIP (Single)

We previously mentioned how much of a fan we became of Tiva Fox due to her visual “Romp,” which we reviewed last month and received tons of positive feedback about, where we were anticipating the next release from her. Luckily, we didn’t have to wait that long since, after teasing her that the next drop would be coming as soon as she reached a certain number of views on her last release, then she would keep her word. Yesterday evening, she did precisely that and dropped her newest single “VIP,” which was accompanied by a visual for the record where both have been doing their fair share of numbers within the 24-hour timeframe. Tiva Fox has this knack for rapping immediately as it starts, with no intro, no breaks; she gets to spitting without letting the beat breathe a little, which shows she isn’t wasting any time to get shit done.

The record goes exactly how you want it, with all eyes & ears on Tiva. At the same time, she gets to spilling out those prominent raps, becoming an artist everyone needs to pay attention to. Not missing a beat, Tiva Fox is in the cut, not stressing shit and making it look too easy in the process. Pretty face got her setting the trends, cash in hand, and placement for the evening is in the VIP, and she is cooling with the vibes. Tiva details what a man has to do to be successful for the moment with her; after matters are done, she is back on the red-eye trips with her feeling on high and yours to be crushed not having her anymore. Tiva is devious with the flow, showing off and being boastful every chance she gets; it’s the nonchalant, playful mannerisms she brings that make every bar clutch. Afternoon dates and smooches, with proactive planning, Tiva is seductively organized with how she wants to be treated when becoming the Apple of someone's eye. There’s a reason why she got these men stuck on her; her appetite for bedroom activities is becoming legendary at this point. Tiva is slick with the wordplay, a baddie with the skillsets to get the temperature rising, and the ability to convey a level of cuteness in her rap repertoire will always guarantee to have your man drooling at her every chance he gets. The visual has her parading around with just a backdrop alone, which is all she needs. She already has you in a trance, and you don’t even know it; her eyes portray innocence and poetry when she gets to spitting; it’s the reason why she set the bar in her field and will be running it in no time.

Tiva Fox is spectacular, cunning, and downright unique; the release fits as reason enough to stop sleeping on her music. Her name will be well-known, no doubt, and it’s only a matter of when. I’m giving it till the summer when her name will be posted in every outlet, and getting the recognition she deserves wherever she goes. Don’t take our word for it; the proof is in the music; just give in, and you won’t be disappointed.