Lilly Aviana - Breathe (Single)

After a brief hiatus of self-searching and self-healing, Lilly Aviana welcomes her return with a new single titled “Breathe,” describing the ballad as an escape touching on themes of emotional struggle and the search for normalcy. Walking around like zombies, dead in the face and the insides, but knowing a return to normal is a thing we need; we don’t know how to get there again. It’s one of the most profound records to date from her, and it comes from the personal experiences she’s indulged in the last few months from heartbreak and self-doubt, amongst other things, where she is now finding the best parts about her and the return of passion back. It's inspiring to see Lilly channel such personal experiences into her art and find strength in telling it the best way she knows how.

Produced by Reggie Volume, he cooks up something special for Lilly to start harmonizing on, and oh, the remembrance of how heavenly she could sing. Lilly takes a page out of Kanye’s book for similarity factor and confesses that:

“We're all fucking crazy, I’m just the first to admit.”

She is not straining away from telling how it is. We see sin and drama every day to the point we’re numb to it now. Lilly’s ability to confront the harsh realities of life and express them through her music seems like a poignant commentary on the desensitization to struggle in today's society. She sings to bring her back to a time when she remains complacent with everything around her, drowns the things that destroy her existence, and lets her take a moment to realize that the pain is going away. It's refreshing to hear her use this single to address deeper issues and provide a moment of reflection and solace to her listeners. It is a deep record and a defining moment for her to continue wearing her heart on her sleeve but in a way to show growth and a new awakening in music. We know she’s had a lot to deal with these past months, and seeing her bring back her gifted talent to the masses is a beautiful thing to see; an artist of her caliber and tranquil state is who we love to see. We appreciate her kindness and art to the fullest, providing virtual flowers to her as she deserves them and more.

I’m hoping with this new embrace return; we can start seeing more of Lilly Aviana and new music to follow. I would love to see her presence blessing stages across Texas and more, but I’m sure that will be something for down the road. Until then, be sure to check out her most recent single and show it a lot of love.