Luna Lloyd - Luna Lloyd (EP)

I’m coming right out the gate with it, Luna Lloyd’s debut EP is a tour de force of eclecticism, the versatility throughout the span of just 4 records is flooring. Each of these songs tackles a different genre, whether Neo-Soul, House, Trap or R&B & the earnestness exhibited in each is impeccably powerful. It’s easily one of the most intimate introductions to a more than promising new talent. If she’s coming out the gate like this, then there’s no telling where else she’s to explore musically but these 4 are enough to get you excited so let’s run through each of these tracks.


You know how you just know you’re gonna love a song within the first five seconds, the needle touching the vinyl & then those strums just instantly tug on your heartstrings & once her voice comes in so angelically, like a autumn leaf falling down ever so delicately, you can’t help but swoon. Men & women are totally different aren’t we? It’s like we’ll never understand each other, as she says, you’re just a boy, who thinks he’s in love but you don’t know her like that, you’re just infatuated by what you see. I’m sure we’ve all seen it happen for too many times, where the friendship is going good but then someone has to go fuck it up by putting labels on everything, things were fine as they were, why’d you have to go catch feelings. You know feelings aren’t always correct right? We shouldn’t always act on them but our desires can make us pretty impulsive & unfortunately, especially when you’re head over heels for someone, you can make some pretty rash decisions. All she needed was a safe space, your “Company”, nothing more, nothing less. The Neo-Soul vibes of this record make it all the more sincere. She’s not trying to be mean about it, she’s just telling you like it is.


There’s unfortunately a lot of people who feed off jealousy, she’s not one of them. People think they’re slick with their little subtle slights they try to throw your way whenever they’re upset at you for, whatever reason, whatever made up story they made up in their mind about what transpired between the two of you. This usually happens when the person feels like they’re losing control over you, when you finally slip out from under their thumb, possessive people cannot stand that. They’re so desperate to get your attention that they’ll do anything to regain any sense of control over you. Her passion throughout this record is so fervourous. She doesn’t hate this person but can’t wrap her head around the point of it all. She’s smart enough to know better than to ever give in to such pathetic attempts to get her to act out of character cause after all, that’s all they want. If they can get any sort of reaction out of you then they’ve won but she ain’t having that shit. She knows everyone after her is essentially a downgrade, sorry to say it but even he knows, though would never admit it.


The curveballs just keep coming don’t they! From Trap to House music, I mean c’mon, I’m already convinced there’s not a genre she can’t tackle. On this exhilarating number, Luna has been on her own long enough & is anxiously awaiting someone to come into the fold & fill that void. As much as she hates to admit it, this person has a hold on her & no matter how many times she manages to slip away, she can’t help but fold & fall at their mercy. She pleads that deep yearning for what she knows she could never have & probably shouldn’t even want to begin with, everyone around her advises her against it, though she’s probably not gonna heed it. She’d rather block out that noise & get lost in that trance again.


“Home” is an idea & it’s a beautiful experience, if you ever get around to it, to find a home in another soul. Isn’t that what all of us are searching for, at least to some extent. Love conquers all so when you finally intertwine with your soulmate, it’s so relieving knowing that this person is a safe haven, especially if you’ve been so accustomed to rummaging through the ruins of past chaos. To be able to let your portcullis down & allow that person in your temple, especially after witnessing how patient they are with you, it’s all you can really ask for in a partner & clearly she has that now, to cherish forever more. It’s a beautiful end to one of the most promising debuts I’ve personally heard in a very long time. I cannot sing the praises of these records enough. Luna Lloyd should be on everybody’s radar, you’re not gonna want to miss what’s inevitably to come.

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