Bo Bundy - Nave 687 (Single)

Since the beginning of last week, Bo Bundy had been teasing that a new single titled “Nave 687” would be dropping that Friday. Sure enough, Friday morning, a new record from Bo Bundy surfaced along with a visual to help accompany the release. It’s the first solo record we’ve gotten from Bo since his highly acclaimed “El Único Desmadre De Mi Madre” album dropped, which had us thinking he could be gearing up to release more music soon. We know he’s spoken highly of dipping into other genres of music, which we’ve already heard from him by way of the Giovanni & The Hired Guns remix. I hope this is the first step towards giving fans something they would already enjoy hearing from Bo, then delivering something outside the norm for him as the next release.

While I’m continuing to learn more Spanish thanks to Bo, I couldn’t keep up with the translation of the record, but I think I did my due diligence in getting as much as possible. I understood Bo is warming up the engines while burning the flowers welcoming the messages coming from invaders trying to make way into his life which motivates him to continue being successful. I’m sure it’s not the best translation, but I’m sure I’m somewhere on point with it. It’s another ballad from Bo where he’s speaking from emotion on the doubt he continues to get from haters but doesn’t let it affect him too much, it sometimes can seep in on his lowest moments, but he still resists ever allowing his haters to see him fail. It's another single from Bo’s catalog to see so much praise in mere minutes of releases that continue on strong throughout the days. Also, just because I don’t fully understand it doesn’t mean I’m not going to try and do my best to break it down the best way I can. Bo Bundy worked hard to bring out another hit record for fans like myself to enjoy; understanding or not, the least I can do is try and learn in the process.

As mentioned before, this single came out with plenty of fans showing deep admiration for it but no telling where Bo will take it from here. He’s been on the circuit of performance and studio sessions, so hopefully, soon, he’ll announce when we can expect another release from him. In the meantime, enjoy the drop we have now by checking out both the single & video here while sharing it on all social media platforms.