MilesPerHour - From The Start (Video)

Taken from his opus “You Tell Me 2”, MPH blesses us with the visual treatment to the Jonah Conrad produced “From The Start”. I got to see MPH perform the other night at DIVE bar & it was a beautiful introduction to an artist who is miles ahead of most both musically & lyrically. The plan from the start was always to elevate in life & it finally seems like, the fruits of his labor are starting to pay off. It’s been two years since his last “You Tell Me” installment, of course I revisited it before jumping here, just to hear the growth & boy has there been a lot of it. On this record though, he’s detailing leveling up after a loss. He reminds this person of what they lost cause he’s for damn sure gonna live up to his potential, it’s just a good, long drive til he gets there but he’s already ahead of most.

From the start, people have been trying to keep him down, including himself but he’s no longer allowing circumstances to keep his foot from being on the gas, he’s forever on go & anybody who can’t keep up is getting left behind. He’s only being frank when he addresses these issues he still harbors onto, he may forgive but he’ll never forget the irreparable damage these people have done but he understands it’s all part of the collision course & has recovered greatly from the crash test dummy these people made him out to be. MPH is on cruise control with this record but his bars are straight velocity. This record feels like zipping through the galaxies with your top down, he’s not miles ahead man, he’s light years ahead of most in this game & never had to fake the funk to get to this juncture in his career.

The visuals too are simplistically sick. These shots by E.S. Filmz, specifically the shots from his living room as the camera pulls away from Miles then zooms back in on his face, brilliantly edited. The shots of him at night show him fresh dressed & ready to work, even in the shots of him at home, he’s partaking in a vice of his, some good smoke I presume but even on his leisurely time, he’s picking up that phone & making boss moves. Lyrically, MPH is a like one of those self driving cars, hearing him rap is damn near futuristic, like a DeLorean just pulled up next you & don’t you for a second think you’re winning the race as he zips past you, too fast for the naked eye to catch. It’s safe to say all the records on this EP are soon to have visual treatments, judging from what I see here on his YouTube page & I for one could not be more excited to see his drive cease to run out, no gas leaks or anything.