Banco - Play This One/Bri's Interlude (Video)

Banco only ever speaks when he has something to say & everytime he speaks, it’s something worthwhile, free jewelry for us all to wear proudly, well, those of us with that go getter mentality that is, unfortunately not everyone is cut out to make it in this game of life. As always, Banco’s sound remains elegant, that same cruise control with the top down formula that is his signature style. His flow as well continues being so seamlessly conversational, he speaks like someone who’s completely aware of who they are & it’s that conviction within his rhymes that make these self reflective numbers of his as impeccable as they are. Humility has always been one of his strongest qualities, even without meeting him personally, you can tell he’s humble but I like that he doesn’t feel that way, it is a word that’s tossed around too often in my opinion, rather he knows he’s just grateful for all the things he didn’t have, which surprisingly, I’ve never heard it put that way, which only further emphasizes Banco’s originality.

I take it that he’s somewhere out in his hometown of New Braunfels but that stream, that river he’s by, those water looking real naturally springy, almost thought he might’ve been somewhere like Fiji perhaps & judging by his lifestyle, he just might book the trip! All that to say that, the overall sound of the record, sounds like what I know those waters feel like, so refreshing when we get to hear Banco’s poetry in motion. I love how he always mixes things everybody can relate to with things that only people who live a certain lifestyle or who have an acquired taste can fathom, but when he speaks on his lifestyle & the places he’s touched, the food he’s eaten, the people he’s spoken to, just all these life experiences, he doesn’t necessarily do so in a braggy, arrogant way & if anyone may feel that way, it’s mere jealousy cause he just sounds like someone who is not only enjoying the fruits of his labor but continues that labor so as to attain more, even riper fruits, exotic fruits we’ve probably never even heard of before!

Even when he’s speaking on his girl, he’s brushes off the fact that he’s always kept it cool cause, that’s just what he’s supposed to do, real players don’t brag about doing the bare minimum & as a result, they’re literally in sync with one another, her makeup is literally matching his tennis shoes. On top of that, being able to have your mom brag to her friends about her only child being as successful in his field as he is, name a flex bigger than that & then to top that off further, he’s been bringing it back to where he came from to put his people in position & give his loved ones the life they deserve. It may be grueling at times but he’s never complacent & therefore never stagnant. Always love & respect towards rare individuals like Banco, someone who only ever brings ambrosia to the table to celebrate all the beauty in this whole life.
