Our favorite Hood Hippie, THE Hood Hippie that is, is back to revisit one of his many sleeper burners in “STICKY” & let me tell you, it’s damn near impossible to break apart these buds. He’s just dripping with THC oil, oozing his monotone, nonchalance over this ditsy instrumentation, dizzily so. It’s a sticky situation when you’re getting zooted off the zip with him, like is this is even marijuana we’re smoking Trey or did you lace this with something cause it’s quite the out of body experience. It’s probably just cause he has a higher tolerance & we’re all just lightweights cause gas like this, it’s gotta be that extra Sour Diesel. This Zaza gonna keep you up all night like it was meth or something, you would think that’s what he & JP were cooking up after bursting out the lab with this formulated amalgamation.

The production on this record by JP The Avant is coupled with Treylen’s laidback cool, makes it one of the best stoner anthems I’ve personally ever come across. Even if you’re an indica guy, like I am, you can turn up to this one, this one will have the couch potatoes jumping on the couch like fucking Tom Cruise. Our very own Carter shot the homemade esque visuals as well, masterfully so cause although they are rather simplistic visuals, not no extra shit, just Treylen & his people doing their usual Hood Hippie tingz, but these edits by his guy Toby add to the magnificence, those cuts from the three screens at the beginning as the one screen with him gearing up to shut that car door to hotbox the whip slowly takes over the entire screen is just marvelous.

All the pot pushers gonna be re-upping their packs to this one, it’s nice to see the plug get a little love like this, especially the real entrepreneurial spirits who aren’t trying to scheme you out your dough & actually give you your money’s worth, cause guys like Treylen, you’ll never catch them smoking on no garbage weed, you know that weed that comes wrapped in foil that was recently used to smoke a brisket, crumbs all brown like they tobacco, stemmed & seeded out, even the Hood Hippie has standards. It’s beautiful that he felt the need to revisit this single cause as I mentioned before, it’s a sleeper hit, a lot of his music is, but with the love these visuals have been getting, the streams on this might skyrocket this track to that number one spot on his Spotify profile, deservingly so, it’s one of my personal favorites of his.