Shannon Sionna - Halfway To 30 (Video)

The visuals to the most powerful single you’ll hear all year have finally arrived & let me warn you now, if you thought the record itself was a tearjerker, let alone are a softie like myself then these visuals may make you weep even harder, may even make the angels weep as well. Shannon has never been more vulnerable on a record than she has with “Halfway to 30”, her ode to forgiving her younger self, something I think a lot of us need to do. We need records like this that help us hold these mirrors up to ourselves & learn to love the person we see cause until we do that, how can we possibly heal the wounded children that still lie underneath all this makeup, regalia, just all these things we do to cover up whatever pain we may be carrying.

Trent Owens of course is behind these visuals but I have to say, his work here may be his most impeccable yet, they are just nothing like the work I’m used to seeing from him & obviously that has a lot to do with the record itself, he just really knows how to capture lightning in a bottle for a second time to really bring every artist he works with, visions to life. These visuals just add so much more to the intimacy of the record itself. Shot in this magnificent setting of an empty auditorium, Shannon let’s all get past insecurities just whisk away as she soars angelically, stepping up those steps to the stage like she’s arriving to Heaven. We see a young girl, looking marvelous as she’s gearing up to face her fears, only to set the mic down mid way. Too many times do we give up on ourselves but it’s important that we continue taking these leaps of faith & believe in our abilities to overcome any & all obstacles life has to offer us. 

The way the camera turns around on this girl to reveal its Shannon herself is such beautiful symbolism & really showcases just how much of a level playing field she is on when it comes to creating music that her listeners can really gravitate towards. She understands more than anybody what it’s like to be that scared & lost child, longing for acceptance in a world that isn’t too kind when it comes to that. It’s nice to have beautiful people making beautiful music like this cause, think of all the broken people this could heal, she even gives us some warm reminisces of her early days as a performer in the end to really emphasize how much she’s always had it in her, it’s all a matter of just simply tapping into our talents & the beauty in doing so is that, it’s never too late. It may seem so cause a lot of us are inching very close to the big 30 but we mustn’t be in such a rush to make it in this world, a lot of people hit their peaks at different ages, so be patient with yourself & move at your own pace.