Roland Ryan feat Baby Aztro - Rich Porter (Single)

Am I reading this correctly? Roland Ryan & Baby Aztro on the same record? Who cares about bias when it comes to two brothers who effortlessly continue to wax eloquently over literally every single thing I’ve had the honor & privilege of consuming as a fan of both of these well distinguished gentleman. It was great that I got to recognize Roland a little bit more in depth, back when he appeared alongside Banco in that beautiful Mazi Monday conversation, which if you haven’t viewed, I suggest you revisit it to get a little more better acquainted with just the coolest cat. I haven’t even met dude & his energy is still radiant enough for me to feel, miles away. Let’s not forget about all his work up until this point, be it his few & far between guest appearances or his solo records, this being his 1st since “Toa$ting” I believe, please correct me if I’m wrong.

As I stated off rip, the Hip Hop fanatic in me became so giddy, the most ecstatic I’ve been about a collab record in a minute, not to say there haven’t been any great collaborations as of late but none have them have grabbed my undivided attention as quickly as this has & it doesn’t disappoint one bit, as I knew it wouldn’t. There’s just certain names that you’d be insane to question once you see them, especially in unison. Over a sample that I can’t pinpoint but is so soulful, these two slide ever so luxuriously, I already picture the finest of women slip n sliding on that Cristal popping out the roof of the whip. It’s a beautiful analogy for the entire vibe of the record & Roland man, that raspiness in his nonchalant flow as he dwells on some warm reminisces of the fast life he once raced through, rhymes this fly are an acquired taste.

Aztro was the perfect feature for a record like this & what’s even cooler is, these verses ain’t even that long, let alone the record, all of it is as concise as can be & still it gets it’s messages across. Poetry is forever in motion with Aztro on a record, it’s damn near criminal to be teased like this cause I’m already dying for more but this is more than enough to satiate. The imagery throughout his verse really puts you in the settings he’s describing, it’s damn near like reading a book whenever you listen to him rhyme. A lullaby of this caliber will put the dullest of MC’s right to sleep, tucked in with the teddy, thumb in mouth, fetal position, all of that good stuff. It’s damn near Childs play at this point, at this juncture in both of their respective careers.