Bankreaux - Free Kill II (Album)

Days after his labelmate Daniel Leon dropped his debut album, Bankreaux decided to drop the second installment to his Freekill series to continue applying pressure that Davies Entertainment is not letting off necks this year. Just like Daniel’s cover art, McKenzie graces his creativeness on the project’s art that showcases the roman numerical sign for two with Bankreux poking out from the middle donning the famed-ice cream tattoo that Guwop permanently inserted below his eye, which could be symbolizing how reckless Bankreaux is going throughout this project. 

His first single, he asks with pride out on his sleeve in a clear tone, “Who Wants Smoke” he got it for you if you want it. Don’t play with his name, and if it’s on your vocabulary, then he needs to have some words and quite possibly some hands with you. He wants to see his opps free so that he can deal with them himself; if shit gets sideways, then 6feet you go below his kicks. Taking it down a few notches heading into the new track, Bankreaux delivers “Faces” with a few slow-tune raps speaking on his relationship & past troubles. He’s seen good days and bad days; he wants to make sure the good ones are seen more in the future for him. He shares experiences that put him in tough spots where he felt alone in the world but coming back to people that love him has got him back on track where he belongs. Another heart-barring joint from Bankreux & we’re only just two records into this project. The pattern of angst joints and more laid-back crooning raps are something we see again into the next track where “Hot Box” is an aggressive trap style record & “Wasting Time” has Bank back on his melody tip, securing more hits for the ladies. The remainder of the records are all onslaught rap joints from Bankreaux, some with more precision than others, but overall they hit hard and guarantee your speakers will thank you when they play in the whip. 

I’m sure these tracks did not make the cut to his upcoming sophomore project. Still, just like the first Free Kill tape, they ignite a spark under Bankreux to give the people what they want in the time being, and when there reach for more, he hits them with an impactful release that will surely do numbers & gain more attention to his incredible craft. Make sure to check out his second Free Kill tape here while sharing it around on all social media avenues.

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