Aye Cue - Scream Fling (Single)

The Best Player In The Game, Aye Cue is nowhere near done blessing us with his talents. Still relatively fresh off his magnum opus “Aquil”, as well as the “Dancing with the Wolves” comic series, Cue is back with more of that comic book filled action, coupled with some slight horror on his latest “Scream Fling”. As always, Cue opens up his singles like a story cause after all, these are basically mini feature films & you don’t even need the visuals to envision the action. Our hero Cue is unfortunately in a sticky situation, with demons, ghouls, monsters, energy sucking vampires, you name it, surrounding his place of residence as he anxiously alerts his engineer of the predicament but in as monotone a voice he possibly can so as to alert them to start barging on inside to snatch him up.

I don’t believe we’ve ever heard Cue this distressed before, like he’s genuinely terrified of what lurks outside his corridors. Of course, he gotta slide in that slight humor, “I’m too pretty to go”, hilarious cause it’s true & I’m sure all of us have felt that way whenever our demons try to pull us back down to their level. Cue has so much more to live for, he hasn’t even met his future ex wife so why they wanna come for him now? It’s always when things seem to be going good that they wanna force his hand. If it’s a fight they want though then goddammit it’s a fight they about to get as Cue gears up to go into full Blade mode, stepping outside to face his fears like the demon slayer he is.

What’s beautiful about “Scream Fling” is that, not only is it an absolute banger in all it’s groovy glory but, whoever produced this, also knew what they were doing by giving it that underlying action film type feels to it. It almost reminds of the club scene in Blade. When you got it the way Cue got it, you gonna have all types of creatures coming out the woodworks to grab a piece of it. At this point, Cue’s lyrical prowess is sharper than that axe in hand as he effortlessly slices through the beat with his skills. Cue is cutting all the deadwood in his life out by any means necessary, there may be a few casualties, collateral damage but it’s a small price to pay for his safety. It’s inspiring to see him take a serious topic all of us can relate to & put a fun twist on it. Records like this don’t play on our fears but rather force us to stand tall in the faces of them as if they don’t scare us, even if they do, it’s gonna take a lot more than that to keep us locked away forever.