Valley - Last Birthday (Album)

I’ve grown such a deep appreciative affinity for the illustriously earnest world of Pop Music over the past 2 so years so you know full well how much my heart swells up whenever I stumble across acts who capture that nostalgia yet somehow make it sound modernist as can be & Valley does just that with their 3rd effort to date “Last Birthday”. On this 7 track EP that’s as ephemerally elegant as they come in the Pop world, the band captures the joy & pain of growing up, it’s a beautiful encapsulation of what it means to be coming of age & I just so appreciate how empowering this style makes you feel.

Opening with “Oh shit…are we in love?”, to which I have to point out how much I love long titles to songs, that’ll instantly pull me in to wanting to actually listen & they beautifully capture what it feels like, the anxiety of falling too fast for somebody, as well as the excitement that unpredictability brings about but they also tackle the doubt that can also show its face in a relationship, like does this person really like me the way they claim to. I again, love that they’ve spoken on something here that I struggle with so much & that’s my constant need for reassurance, I understand it’s a bit of a turn off but I don’t think it’s asking for much.

I just love how youthful these records are, songs like “Cure” where they take on the role of superhero but unfortunately we can’t save everybody, especially if they don’t want to be saved but it’s the thought that counts I guess. She “ain’t my girl” though so there’s no point in me trying to save someone who just don’t want it so I feel my guy when he’s crooning on this acoustic number that so reminds me of FM radio. All in all, the beautifully concise album is their most earnest effort to date & I highly recommend it for anyone who wishes to travel back to a time where shit was much simpler. All that lovey dovey shit that some of us like to pretend we don’t at least fantasize about from time to time.
