Andrew Kelly - Wet Run (Album)

“Blue Gelato” is definitely the strain to be inhaling at times of high stress. Andrew is in no way promoting drug use, rather explaining his own attachment to his vices, which, we all have our own. Whatever alleviates the pain I say. His opening performance here is ephemeral in its fleeting pain as it’s slowly sweeping him away, like Jeff Buckley singing “Whole Lotta Love”. Jon Swaii was luckily nearby so as to pull him from out under the water & perform CPR with his reviving verse as his words breathe even more life onto this maladaptive dreamscape of a opening record. Experimental indeed but Andrew has proven time & time again that he can adapt to any sound & make it fully his own, especially coming off “Chum”, which was experimental enough in itself but he’s breaking down those barriers & pushing himself musically beyond it’s parameters.

He’s fully “Charged”, as is she & he’s got enough battery power in him to fly past Mars & possibly punch a hole in the moon for her, of course cooler than Matthew Patel ever could. The sweet tasting hybrid he was smoking on, she obviously inhaled his secondhand & now they’re just zipping through the galaxy, making stars explode. On “DA”, Kelly channels his inner basilisk, fittingly so, being that this is the most concise record on the record & is honestly just Andrew running cause Jesus walked. Twnty8 then joins Kelly in his swim class as the two kersplash all over the place with their wit, I could hardly “BREATHE” due to the hilarity that ensues in some of these bars, especially Twnty8, who really steals the show here.

I think “Blue Salamander” is a perfect metaphor for Kelly, especially with how much versatility he’s shown as of late. If you know anything about blue salamander, particularly the spotted ones, their range is known to extend pretty far & pretty vast & the same can be said about his musical range. I’m also more of an “Indica” connoisseur myself & he really captures the sedating feel most indica strains give with this slow burner. Andrew is like me in a way, whenever he does something, he does it to the fullest. I mean “Monday night cap in the morning”, how is he even functioning, even the beat itself sounds like the room is spinning but it’s probably cause all the substances within him are leaving him “NUMB”. Numb to whatever pain may be eating at him.

Whatever sample this is on these confessions of his is intriguing to say the least, hearing him find these pockets, while also getting a little introspective as he takes this opportunity to self reflect, as well as talk his shit. His presence on a track simply demands respect. His use of auto tune throughout this album will surely get under a purist’s skin, as it should cause some just can’t seem to appreciate when it’s utilized correctly, especially if it’s coming from someone who’s known for his heavy lyricism, which isn’t abandoned at all with this album. “Lasso” may sound simplistic in its sound but he’s still tightening them into nooses the more he goes neck to neck with these beats. Of course, it’s not an Andrew Kelly project if it doesn’t include Nick Enaigbe. The two may as well do a joint project at this point. “Sewer Drain” just makes the gritty sound so beautifully, like you actually want to be treading those murky waters but be advised to do it lightly. “Wet Run” showcases Andrew’s ability to remain exciting in style & sound, it’s refreshing hearing an elite level MC not afraid to take risks musically, which honestly doesn’t even feel like a risk, it just feels like someone who’s comfortable enough to play around with different sounds, someone who just does whatever they feel like doing cause fuck being boxed in, Andrew is forever refusing to be.