281neek - Lottery Kid (EP)

281neek has paid the price & then some to become the “Lottery Kid,” he’s well aware of his worth, loves to play stupid at times, as we all do but is intuitive enough to keep on keeping on. He’s barely scratched the surface of what he’s capable of but is “Still On Go,” he’s hit the jackpot plenty of times already & taken losses. Still, it’s never phased him as he comes through swinging his wisdom with such gusto. It’ll blow your wig back; he raps like he’s still learning & is eager to learn more but is also teaching others to follow suit in the process, nothing quite like somebody who has the utmost confidence in themselves.

What in the world is this sample & why does he smack it around so silly, “Come Over” is a witty banger, an ode to the excitement I’m sure we all feel when he got a fine woman on our side. He’s no longer interested in all those otherworldly ways he at a time was fascinated with; he’s a forever-changing man. Just consistently growing, he’s so savvy with his swagger, the way he carries himself will shut shit down, he’s just riding with his dog-like “Shaggy,” shit makes you duck-like Daffy, that’s so brilliantly worded, the wit is palpable with this one.

We’ve all dealt with betrayal at some point, “How Could You” have done me like this. People seem to hate when you change & grow out of your older ways & will do whatever they can to keep you there. Still, it’s a complex concept to wrap your head around, like why wouldn’t you want to see your friend grow to be a more upstanding man. If anything, you can look to him as some sort of guidance; it’s not like he wouldn’t help you. Still, you aren’t helping yourself enough; you’re not worth the investment anymore. He’s “Up Now,” & you could be there too if you would just get out of your own way; you too could wound up being a “Lottery Kid,” but you gotta be willing to put in the time & effort, it’s tedious & difficult. Still, once you attain all that, there’s nothing left to do but “Stunt Hard.”